La disparation, par Toscano Alberto
Politique et sujet chez SimondonEst-il possible d’extraire des écrits de Gilbert Simondon les linéaments d’une pensée (de la) politique ? On esquissera une réponse affirmative en portant notre attention sur trois aspects de la philosophie de Simondon: 1. la façon dont le concept de Nature ou de pré-individuel déplace les débats sur le rapport entre … Continuer la lecture de La disparation →
The coloured thickness of a problem, par Toscano Alberto
PREFACE A LA TRADUCTION ANGLAISE DE LA SIGNATURE DU MONDE (ED. AUGMENTÉE DE 2 APPENDICES), LONDON, CONTINUUM, 2004 A new Meno would say: it is knowledge that is nothing more than an empirical figure, a simple result which continually falls back into experience; whereas learning is the true transcendental structure which unites difference to difference, … Continuer la lecture de The coloured thickness of a problem →
Art Against Empire (On Alliez & Negri’s ‘Peace and War’), par Toscano Alberto
Sur art24, rub22, rub26Unlike law, which acknowledges in the “decision” determined by place and time a metaphysical category that gives it a claim to critical evaluation, a consideration of the police institution encounters nothing essential at all. Its power is formless, like its nowhere-tangible, all-pervasive, ghostly presence in the life of civilized states. And though … Continuer la lecture de Art Against Empire (On Alliez & Negri’s ‘Peace and War’) →