Por que este novo regime de guerra?, par Zarifian Philippe
Traduction brésilienne de art23, rub22 Entramos, mundialmente, em um novo regime de guerra, de longa duração. Não é possÃvel reduzi-lo a uma seqüência de episódios de guerra, de ataques militares. Um regime de guerra não é uma seqüência de guerras localizadas. É, antes de tudo, um novo regime de controle e de destruição, almejando estender-se … Continuer la lecture de Por que este novo regime de guerra?
Somos Fronterizos, par Symons John
Version originale américaine de art105, rub22 1. Borders and Trade Routes Old (pre-Colombian) economic and political forces, along with the physical geography of the Chihuahuan desert channel the flow of water, goods and people through a pass in the mountains where the sprawling city of El Paso-Ciudad Juárez now stands. Today, the river (the Rio … Continuer la lecture de Somos Fronterizos
Respect Your Enemies–The First Rule of Peace, par Caffentzis George
An Essay Addressed to the U. S. Anti-war MovementVersion originale de art25, rub22 The Passions that encline men to Peace, are Fear of Death; Desire of such things as are necessary for commodious living; and a Hope by their Industry to obtain them. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651) —– 1. Introduction. There is now a fledgling … Continuer la lecture de Respect Your Enemies–The First Rule of Peace
The Order of War, par Negri Toni
First appeared in the Italian “Global Magazine” in November, 2002 Translated by Arianna Bove and Thomas Seay  Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Within the new world order, roles and pecking orders are being redefined through conflict with “rogues states”. This is the game in progress between the United States, China, Europe and Russia.  The … Continuer la lecture de The Order of War
La communauté manoeuvrée (Sur “L’emploi du Temps” de Laurent Cantet), par multitudes
Depuis quelques années, on peut constater l’émergence d’une nouvelle tendance dans le cinéma français (et belge) dont la caractéristique majeure serait d’être « à la croisée du poétique et de l’observation sociale »[[Martine Beugnet, « Le souci de l’autre : réalisme poétique et critique sociale dans le cinéma français contemporain », iris 29, Spring 2000, … Continuer la lecture de La communauté manoeuvrée (Sur “L’emploi du Temps” de Laurent Cantet)
Art Against Empire (On Alliez & Negri’s ‘Peace and War’), par Toscano Alberto
Sur art24, rub22, rub26Unlike law, which acknowledges in the “decision” determined by place and time a metaphysical category that gives it a claim to critical evaluation, a consideration of the police institution encounters nothing essential at all. Its power is formless, like its nowhere-tangible, all-pervasive, ghostly presence in the life of civilized states. And though … Continuer la lecture de Art Against Empire (On Alliez & Negri’s ‘Peace and War’)
Finding the Founding Fathers of the Internet, par Hauben Ronda
Why there is a Need for a History of the InternetVersion originale en anglais de art258, rub22Who are the founding fathers of the Internet? This question was raised a few years ago in an article on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.[[ « Paternity Suits Some Better than Others….The Father of the Internet-…Remains … Continuer la lecture de Finding the Founding Fathers of the Internet
After the Dotcom Crash, par Lovink Geert
Texte original en anglais de art107, rub22 «Work hard, have fun, make history» (amazon.com) In this chapter I will focus on a few dotcom histories, as told by true believers who were in the eye of the storm. The accounts and analyses were written in the immediate aftermath of the tech wreck. If 2000 was … Continuer la lecture de After the Dotcom Crash