01. Edition virtuelle de la majeure Postcolonial et Politique de l'histoire
02. Compléments bibliographiques
Postnational Europe : Towards a Vanishing Mediation, par Balibar Etienne
Entretien réalisé par Manuela Bojadzijev, Sandro Mezzadra et Isabelle Saint-SaënsFor quite some time Europe has become the space for political action and reflexion, on the identity and on the borders of Europe. Etienne Balibar has been writing on these issues for a long time, combining a « postnational » option with a criticism of European … Continuer la lecture de Postnational Europe : Towards a Vanishing Mediation →
Tempo storico e semantica politica nella critica postcoloniale, par Mezzadra Sandro
…while memory holds a seat In this distracted globe (…finché avrà un seggio la memoria in questo globo impazzito) W. Shakespeare, Hamlet, I, 5. 1. L’omogeneità dello spazio, del tempo e del valore, ha scritto di recente il filosofo tedesco Peter Sloterdijk, ha a lungo rappresentato lo «stile logico» della Weltgeschichte, la grande narrazione che … Continuer la lecture de Tempo storico e semantica politica nella critica postcoloniale →
El capitulo faltante de Imperio La reorganización posmoderna de la colonialidad en el capitalismo posfordista, par Castro-Gómez Santiago
Nos convoca la pregunta: ¿uno solo, o varios mundos posibles? Quisiera reformular esta pregunta del siguiente modo: ¿es posible compartir un solo mundo en el que varios mundos sean posibles? O para decirlo de otra forma: ¿es posible compartir un mundo en el que coexistan y se complementen diferentes formas de conocer ese mundo? ¿Un … Continuer la lecture de El capitulo faltante de Imperio La reorganización posmoderna de la colonialidad en el capitalismo posfordista →
Can the Subaltern Speak and Other Transcendental Questions, par Montag Warren
1. Althusser insisted throughout his work that a philosophy must be judged by the effects that it produces, all the effects, whether internal or external to whatever disciplinary boundaries might be thought to impose their jurisdiction on it. For Althusser history no more forgives the “misunderstood” or “misinterpreted” philosopher than it does the defeated revolutionary. … Continuer la lecture de Can the Subaltern Speak and Other Transcendental Questions →