Standing on crossroads, par Motoyama (Women in black Tokyo) Hisako
Remilitarazing of Japan and gendered reconstruction of HistoryVoir l’article de Lisa Yoneyama publié dans le numéro 13 de Multitudes : art1096 —-We shall never again allow Japan to exercise state control over our bodies or over bodies of people in others countries. We shall not let the state ignore or forget its crimes from the … Continuer la lecture de Standing on crossroads
Conseil coréen des “femmes de réconfort”, par Frédéric Brun
Voir l’article de Lisa Yoneyama publié dans le numéro 13 de Multitudes art1096Chères amies, Nous sommes vraiment désolées d’écrire si tard. Trois mois ont passé depuis que nous avons tenu, avec vous, la ” Manifestation globale pour le 600e mercredi”. Elle s’est tenue simultanement dans trente villes du monde, appartenant a 8 nations incluant Taiwan, … Continuer la lecture de Conseil coréen des “femmes de réconfort”
Empire and the Regime of Unilateral Translation, par Solomon Jon
Version originale de art1100 It has always seemed rather symptomatic of a critical, yet largely untheorized, problem in the new praxis of the multitudes that the intellectual project bearing that name, the journal Multitudes, should be undertaken in a single, national-and formerly imperial-language. Certainly, the interesting role of French in relation to global English as … Continuer la lecture de Empire and the Regime of Unilateral Translation
Tales of Two Ruins and Beyond:, par Yoneyama Lisa
Politics of Memory at Hiroshima, the World Trade Center, and the Myriad Unnameable Sites of Japan’s Military Comfort StationsVersion originale de art1096The ruins of the 8.6 atomic attack on Hiroshima and those of the post-9.11 World Trade Center appear to conjure up entirely opposing sets of actions and sentiments. While Hiroshima’s ruins performatively urge critical … Continuer la lecture de Tales of Two Ruins and Beyond:
Althusser and Machiavelli: Politics After the Critique of Marx, par Vatter Miguel
1. The Critique of Marxist Theory: Social Antagonism and the Autonomy of Politics There are two fundamental criticisms that have been repeatedly addressed to Marxist theory in the last century. This theory has been accused of lacking an adequate account of the state and of politics, due to its reliance on a flawed metaphor of … Continuer la lecture de Althusser and Machiavelli: Politics After the Critique of Marx
Mishima Yukio: Everyone’s Favorite Homofascist, par Vincent James Keith
This project begins with a simple observation about one of Japan’s best known novelists. While Mishima Yukio is known outside of Japan primarily as a “gay” writer, enshrined along with Oscar Wilde and Marcel Proust on a ceiling mural depicting famous “gays and lesbians” at the Gay and Lesbian Center at the San Francisco Public … Continuer la lecture de Mishima Yukio: Everyone’s Favorite Homofascist
Class composition in South Korea since the neoliberal economic crisis, par Jeong Hwan Joe
1. Preface South Korea, a newly industrialized, influential country with an important emerging market, has been held up as a living specimen of success that gives pride in the potential energy of capitalist development. However, the gravitational shock of an economic crisis emanating from Thailand into East Asia at the end of 1997 hit Korean … Continuer la lecture de Class composition in South Korea since the neoliberal economic crisis
Asian Peace Movements and Empire, par Muto Ichyo
American war and its impacts It started in a small way. In October 2001, we, a score of Asian social action groups, their coalitions, and NGOs met in Hong Kong and agreed to establish an Asian regional peace network titled the Asian Peace Alliance (APA).[1 We scrambled reacting to the massive U.S. military invasion of … Continuer la lecture de Asian Peace Movements and Empire