Destituting, Instituting, Constituting and the De/Formative Power of Affective Investment, par Pechriggl Alice
Destituierung, Instituierung, Konstituierung und die de/formierende Macht affektiver Besetzung, par Pechriggl Alice
Genre is Obsolete, par Brassier Ray
1. ‘Noise’ has become the expedient moniker for a motley array of sonic practices-academic, artistic, countercultural-with little in common besides their perceived recalcitrance with respect to the conventions governing classical and popular musics. ‘Noise’ not only designates the no-man’s-land between electro-acoustic investigation, free improvisation, avant-garde experiment, and sound-art; more interestingly, it refers to anomalous zones … Continuer la lecture de Genre is Obsolete