Islamic Feminism and the Equivocation of Political Engagement. ‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair’ (English version), par Abou-Bakr Omaima
Insects and Incest: From Bergson and Jung to Deleuze, par Kerslake Christian
I Deleuze’s 1961 essay on Masoch is a key text for anybody who wants to understand Deleuze’s idiosyncratic relationship to psychoanalysis and the theory of the unconscious. It contains Deleuze’s first serious discussion of the concept of the unconscious and unambiguously comes out in favour of Jung’s conception over Freud’s. Deleuze’s early studies had been … Continuer la lecture de Insects and Incest: From Bergson and Jung to Deleuze
Multitudes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, par Frédéric Brun
Multitudes is a french philosophical, political and artistic monthly review. The Editor is Yann Moulier Boutang. Thematically situated in the theoretical framework of the seminal work Empire by Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt. The book, like the review, focuses on the further elaboration of the philosophical and political thought of the italian operaismo, but seems … Continuer la lecture de Multitudes From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The coloured thickness of a problem, par Toscano Alberto
PREFACE A LA TRADUCTION ANGLAISE DE LA SIGNATURE DU MONDE (ED. AUGMENTÉE DE 2 APPENDICES), LONDON, CONTINUUM, 2004 A new Meno would say: it is knowledge that is nothing more than an empirical figure, a simple result which continually falls back into experience; whereas learning is the true transcendental structure which unites difference to difference, … Continuer la lecture de The coloured thickness of a problem
Anti-Oedipus Thirty Years On, par Alliez Eric
(Between Art and Politics) Conférence et séminaire au 5th International Summer Academy, Kunstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt /”Anti-Oedipus – 30 Years On. Or, Can the Biopolitical Identity between Expression and Construction Give BODY to a New Aesthetic Paradigm ?” ). A kind of entrance into politics took place for me in May 68…’ Gilles Deleuze, Negotiations … Continuer la lecture de Anti-Oedipus Thirty Years On
Standing on crossroads, par Motoyama (Women in black Tokyo) Hisako
Remilitarazing of Japan and gendered reconstruction of HistoryVoir l’article de Lisa Yoneyama publié dans le numéro 13 de Multitudes : art1096 —-We shall never again allow Japan to exercise state control over our bodies or over bodies of people in others countries. We shall not let the state ignore or forget its crimes from the … Continuer la lecture de Standing on crossroads
Deleuze and Spinoza: An Aura of Expressionism, by Howie, Gillian (Palgrave, ), par May Todd
Ostensibly, Deleuze and Spinoza is a critical reading of Deleuze’s interpretation of Spinoza in his book Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza. Deleuze published two books on Spinoza, but this one, although published two years earlier than Spinoza: Practical Philosophy, constitutes Deleuze’s central work on Spinoza. Deleuze and Spinoza attempts to show that Deleuze’s interpretation of Spinoza … Continuer la lecture de Deleuze and Spinoza: An Aura of Expressionism, by Howie, Gillian (Palgrave, )
The BwO Condition or, The Politics of Sensation, par Alliez Eric
This text had been written directly in English for the Symposium TransArt IV, « Theorie und Praxis des organlosen Körpers » (Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Wien, 8-10 november 2001) and published in E. Alliez, E. von Samsonow (Hg.), Biographien des organlosen Körpers, Wien, Turia + Kant, 2003, p. 11-29. This is the forth volume of … Continuer la lecture de The BwO Condition or, The Politics of Sensation
Reverse Imagineering :Toward the New Urban Struggles, par Holmes Brian
Or : Why smash the state when your neighborhood theme park is so much closer? “What are the steps in the creation of a Disney attraction? According to literature sent out by WDW [Walt Disney World, the steps are: storyboard, script, concept, show models, sculpture, show set design, graphics, interiors, architectural design, molds and casting, … Continuer la lecture de Reverse Imagineering :Toward the New Urban Struggles
Radical machines against the techno-empire From utopia to network, par Pasquinelli Matteo
Deleuze and Guattari took the machine out of the factory, now it is up to us to take it out of the network and imagine a post-internet generation. Everyone of us is a machine of the real, everyone of us is a constructive machine. — Toni Negri Technical machines only work if they are not … Continuer la lecture de Radical machines against the techno-empire From utopia to network
Empire and the Regime of Unilateral Translation, par Solomon Jon
Version originale de art1100 It has always seemed rather symptomatic of a critical, yet largely untheorized, problem in the new praxis of the multitudes that the intellectual project bearing that name, the journal Multitudes, should be undertaken in a single, national-and formerly imperial-language. Certainly, the interesting role of French in relation to global English as … Continuer la lecture de Empire and the Regime of Unilateral Translation
Tales of Two Ruins and Beyond:, par Yoneyama Lisa
Politics of Memory at Hiroshima, the World Trade Center, and the Myriad Unnameable Sites of Japan’s Military Comfort StationsVersion originale de art1096The ruins of the 8.6 atomic attack on Hiroshima and those of the post-9.11 World Trade Center appear to conjure up entirely opposing sets of actions and sentiments. While Hiroshima’s ruins performatively urge critical … Continuer la lecture de Tales of Two Ruins and Beyond:
Althusser and Machiavelli: Politics After the Critique of Marx, par Vatter Miguel
1. The Critique of Marxist Theory: Social Antagonism and the Autonomy of Politics There are two fundamental criticisms that have been repeatedly addressed to Marxist theory in the last century. This theory has been accused of lacking an adequate account of the state and of politics, due to its reliance on a flawed metaphor of … Continuer la lecture de Althusser and Machiavelli: Politics After the Critique of Marx
Mishima Yukio: Everyone’s Favorite Homofascist, par Vincent James Keith
This project begins with a simple observation about one of Japan’s best known novelists. While Mishima Yukio is known outside of Japan primarily as a “gay” writer, enshrined along with Oscar Wilde and Marcel Proust on a ceiling mural depicting famous “gays and lesbians” at the Gay and Lesbian Center at the San Francisco Public … Continuer la lecture de Mishima Yukio: Everyone’s Favorite Homofascist
Class composition in South Korea since the neoliberal economic crisis, par Jeong Hwan Joe
1. Preface South Korea, a newly industrialized, influential country with an important emerging market, has been held up as a living specimen of success that gives pride in the potential energy of capitalist development. However, the gravitational shock of an economic crisis emanating from Thailand into East Asia at the end of 1997 hit Korean … Continuer la lecture de Class composition in South Korea since the neoliberal economic crisis
Asian Peace Movements and Empire, par Muto Ichyo
American war and its impacts It started in a small way. In October 2001, we, a score of Asian social action groups, their coalitions, and NGOs met in Hong Kong and agreed to establish an Asian regional peace network titled the Asian Peace Alliance (APA).[1 We scrambled reacting to the massive U.S. military invasion of … Continuer la lecture de Asian Peace Movements and Empire
Virtual world is possible : from tactical media to digital multitudes, par Schneider Florian
Texte publié dans le Journal de l’Archipel des Revues (novembre 2003)I. We start with the current strategy debates of the so-called « anti-globalisation move-ment », the biggest emerging political force for decades. In Part II we will look into strategies of critical new media culture in the post-speculative phase after dotcommania. Four phases of the … Continuer la lecture de Virtual world is possible : from tactical media to digital multitudes
Some thoughts on the idea of ‘hacker culture’, par Riemens Patrice
“The Theory of ‘Free Software’ as the seed of a post-capitalist society only makes sense where it is understood as the exposure of those very contradictions of the development of productive forces which are relevant to the process of emancipation. It does not, however, make sense as a discovery of a format for their deployment … Continuer la lecture de Some thoughts on the idea of ‘hacker culture’